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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: redmullet

Member#: 1225
Location: Aberdeen
Registered: 16-02-2005
Diary Entries: 93

Mood: Pleasantly chilled!
1st October 2006
Surfing: The Green, Tiree
Wind Direction: SE
Wind Stength: 8-10mph
Surf / Sea State: 3-4 foot waves
Air Temperature: Cool
Sea Temperature: Warm
Weather: Drizzle
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

No wind today, despite the forecast. Managed a 2hour session on my surfboard (7'3" MiniMal) at The Green. I was the only one out for most of the session, but another guy joined me half an hour or so before I came off the water, but the decent waves were becoming fewer and far between by this point. Early on, the waves were quite nice, and fairly clean, but there were several peaks which were all moving around a lot, so had to keep moving up and down the beach to catch one of them. A few decent sets came through, but nothing too taxing - just nice to get out on the water and manage to stand up and do a few turns!
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